Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Story So Far .....

Right so I am super busy ( still alive I promise you that Suburban Mum promise you )

So far in the last week:
Learning endlessly at new job
Driving a total of 100 km a day round trip
Signed up to new gym ( love it many posts to come of my fellow gym members such as the no neck brigade)
and the worst .....
have been dog sitting ( thank christ i am done) the stupidest dog in the world !! He goes by the name of Hamish. He is a Gordon Setter and god missed him when doling out the essentials like a brain. Prepare yourselves for the most pant wettinly funny entry of my 4 days with Hamish

So I promise you all a very good stint of posts by Saturday morning. These will include various pictures and endlessly ' Louisa funny' stories
Hang in there don't leave me just yet I promise you the good stuff is to come
Love me
Louisa x


Anonymous said...

Great name for a dog!

Portrait of Peter said...

Hamish - well wee Scots have a thing about thinking - it's called Dementia!!

luv your blog.