Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cameragate is Over.....I Have Pictures Finally !

Yes you read correctly camergate is done and dusted
The secretly hidden camera cable has been found. I have no idea where it was. Basically mum went on one of her mad ' The clutter is getting to much for me' swings. SHe started pulling things from shelves and presto there was the usb cable.

SO I have a huge amount of pics that I want to post however I have no idea which ones to put on first. Or if I should do them in groups and themes. So rather then stress over the decision ( yes I would stress out over such a tiny thing trust me) I am just going to put the ones I like best up. There will be no ryme or reason. There are New years ones, Skiing ones, Philapolooza 2006 ones, and Robbie Burns ones. So here we go people !!

Ricardo ( Brown Boy ) and Phil. Phil was back on leave from the Dutch Commandos in Afganistan. So the Boys decided that they would create the best damn party for any solider called...Philapolooza 2006. They even had shirts to wear with it printed on them ! Needless to say as you can see the amount of beer they drank that night made them all suffer endlessly for days !

' The Boys' This was pre Phil arriving. George Brown Boy and I indtroduce to you Alan, otherwise known as dancer boy. Alan is a Ukranian dancer. Now to some you may thinking the dancing thing is uncool but I beg to differ. This would be how Alan picks women up. You ask how? Well when at a bar party or any alchol supplied event Alan does back flips all over the place. THE GIRLS LOVE IT!

George and myself pre New Years. We actually look pretty damn spiffy if you ask me !

The Bull! As stated in previous posts only in the province of Alberta is there a mechancial bull ! As you can see George was ridden that bitch like his life depended on it
George possibly drunk what do you think? Note the soaking wet hair, the untucked shirt, the belt that is well not really done up all that well and most importantly the open fly !
Think that will be all the pics I post for this entry. I will post more from skiing and Robbie Burns night later today or in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Hey Louisa - how are you! I regularly check your blog and am so pleased everything is working out well for you. You look fab in the photos, keep it up girl! Love from England - Gayle at Wessex x

louisa said...

ahh thanks gayle !!! I will email you hopefully today and give a long update
miss you loads
love from your Canadian girl !! x

Anonymous said...


How is it being back? I checked your sister's blog (who apparently has given up on it long ago) and then saw the link to yours. Thoroughly enjoyed the "partying Taylor style" photos. Hope you're doing well

- Alexis