Monday, September 18, 2006

Two Months Today

Well the proper countdown has begun now !! 2 months today and I will be on my flight back to the ' motherland' of Canada.
I still get moments of panic. It is not because I think I have made a rash or wrong decsion. it is simply because although it is home and I grew up there it is different. It is like emigrating to w whole new country. I do worry about things like leaving my friends behind here and the like and will I make a whole new set over there. But lets be honest they are little worries in the grand scheme of things.
I am fairly sure the cat knows whats going on as he keeps looking at me with pure evil in his eyes !! plus his nightly attacks on my toes are becoming more violent the little bastard !!

I have had a hell of a time sorting out my leaving do !! Oh my god it is so hard to please everyone now !! seriously if ones happy with the date 2 say they are not. so put foot down set it for the 11th of November and pulled a guilt trip of ' I am leaving the country you better freakin be there you bastards!!' and that threat seems to generally work ha ha

So yeah 2 months .......


~art said...

best of luck. not scared at all?

louisa said...

hell ya bricking it !!! ha ha but at the same time know it is a wicked thing to do and the right thing. so i suppose it is a good scared really

Anonymous said...

Hey Lou,

Why Nov. 11th? I'd like to meet you at the airport but depends on what time cause it's Rememberance Day.


louisa said...

you muppet richie my leaving do is the 11th i fly home on the 18th land in edmonton thnk bout 6 at night something like that. EMAIL ME BACK BROWN BOY !!! want to know more bout house

Anonymous said...

I did email you back about the house you silly twit! And you better be careful what you go calling me cause i might not be in the mood to see you at the airport

Anonymous said...

I did email you back about the house you silly twit! And you better be careful what you go calling me cause i might not be in the mood to see you at the airport

louisa said...

muppet muppet muppet !! ha ha never got email my dear so please send it again i am dying to know !!! and you so know you are coming to the airport all empty threats my dear :-)