Monday, January 30, 2006

The weekend Breakdown

Morning all :) Happy new week to you all ( yeah really I am not all that happy it is Monday but someone has to pretend don't they ? )

So yeah my weekend ..... oh the excitement..... yeah not really that exciting.
Sometimes I wish I could come on here on a Monday morning and write about this fantastic memorable weekend I just went through. Tell witty stories, Burble on about the itellectual things I have done and the exciting people I met .... Never going to happen at this rate. Have the social life of a snail... Mostly my own doing to be fair !

So yeah Saturday I had a mission to go and do the boxing training that my gym was holding and well I never. There were 2 reasons for this first one being as follows. I recently told someone I just met that this was my plan for Saturday morning along with going out on Saturday evening. The text I go back read as follows:
Un-named person: Well least I know you can handle yourself in the bar then if there is any trouble
( kinda read like that can't remember exact words but you get the meaning of it )

This freaked me out on so so so many levels !!! I have come to the conclusion that I would rather others would not know me as the ass beating girl who can handle herself ( not very femine really is it ?? )
Second reason is that well ... I was to damn lazy for that excitement.
I did go to the gym and did do my work out though for a hour and a freakin half !!!! 6 miles later and 400 sit ups later ( this tummy will tighten up if it is the last damn thing I do ) My legs were like rubber when I got in the are. Sure sign you have done a good work out : You have troubles shifting your car !!
Right now the evening, my lovely best mate Sarah had me round for a lovely ( healthy dinner) was nice to just spend time with her tell her all that has been going on in recent days and just well have a great time. We went out for a drink in West Didsbury and were surrounded by pretentious assholes for the majority of the night. You know the kind, 30 years old have a bit of money behind them and think they are something special . When in actuality their mother is hooked on dope there sister has just been knocked up for the second time ... She is only 17 and you grew up in the shittiest area known to man. God they drove us mad !!

Sunday was boredom at its worst. Gym - home - couch - sleep - wakeup - back to sleep and so on and so forth . You can see Sunday was highly productive. Saying that I baked for some unknown reason. " apple pies , 1 lot of brownies and a Banana bread later I reckoned the manic baking had to stop - baking - stop - back on the couch - asleep

Oh the excitement !


Deadly Female said...

You know the kind, 30 years old have a bit of money behind them and think they are something special . When in actuality their mother is hooked on dope there sister has just been knocked up for the second time ... She is only 17 and you grew up in the shittiest area known to man.

Spoken like a Brit! If I hadn't read a little and realised you were Canadian I would have been completely fooled! And yes, I know the kind...

louisa said...

thank god !!!! i am not the only one who believes these men do actually exist . the normal dead give away is the rockport trainers they wear with their flashy cloths ha ha