Friday, November 18, 2005

Life is Currently Shafting me right up the Backside Right now !!!

OH MY GOD !!!!! I am currently on the verge of a break down and when I say break down I mean head spinning rocking in a corner whilst attempting to chew my own arm off break down. You are now either very worried for me, very scared of me ( most are ) or thinking dramatic cow ! Here are the reasons for the break down, yep reasons there are more then one right now !!

Firstly for the last 24 hours I have been working on something at work for a customer no names no details to obviously save my ass from any backlash. I have been busting my ass to get this to work and run smoothly..... And it has not !! I have called 4 different countries I have broken rules ( only small ones and after all for my customer as they always come first !! ) I have worked late and come in early to sort it . Only to be told just when all was completed and I could have this satisfied grin on my face that they no longer wanted it and were going to cancel !!!!! At this point in time I wish to find the nearest bar drink my self stupid pick a fight with some local scally cow and then stumble home ( bare in mind it is only 4 in the afternoon ) . I do try my best at work but I will also be the first to admit that I can become slightly impatient and can not handle indecsion either which does not help when dealing with customers. I have recently been try to make a serious effort to slow down take a step back and calm down before dealing with potentially volatile situations ..... This was my first major test and well I am fairly sure I handled it better then previous occasions

Secondly ...... Winter drivers in the UK !!! Jesus people get a fucking grip ok ! There is no snow on the ground there is no frozen ice there are no blowing snow storms or minus 30 temperatures. There is only a bit of frost on you cars!! Yet you all decide to drive like dick heads!!!! You break randomly you panic when the light goes yellow and you drive like you are 85 have no vision left and have the reaction time of those ugly things that hang in trees, sloth's. I do not have time in my mornings to have to pussy foot round you bastards ok ! Pull your thumbs learn how to drive or if you are that god damned scared of killing yourselves, which you eventually will due to your shitty driving skills, take the fucking bus !!!

Thirdly ....Fireworks!! Bonfire night is over you deliquient shits !! It was over almost 2 weeks ago!!! Please stop or I will hunt you down and shove the damn firework up your ass to see how much ya like it then ok ?? Understand ?? Probably not because you are more then likely a thick little bastard who thinks school is far to uncool for you. Also explain why you let the fire works off in the day?? ya can't see it !! Is it the funny little sound that amuses you ??? Cause it does not fucking amuse me in my afternoon nap on a Sunday ( yes I nap on Sunday's dare you to make funny of me in my present state of mind come on dare you )

So yeah shafted right now shafted and not best pleased. I am going to go to the gym after work ( 25 mins to go ) and work my fat ass off to the point of exhaustion and then drink some vodka and pass out in bed by 8. I am a product of my upbringing, the answer to all is booze !!!
happy weekend all !!

p.s if there are spelling errors on this one just let it go it is obvious I am slightly off balance at present !


urban gypsy said...

I have absolutely no idea how I came to be here but boy... have you settled into the Mancunian way of life. Or at least, you speak like you have. Do you wobble your head like all the 'hard' girls do when they rant and rave? ;-)

Totally agree with your comments on winter drivers. I used to laugh at friends who panicked at the sight of a snowflake and wouldn't go out in their cars, but my old Canadian pal used to laugh at me and my description of cold weather. You sock it to 'em girl! lol

louisa said...

oh good god I have settled that is a absolute given. Not sure if I have been fully accepted into the coven that is manc hard girls though. I am still awaiting my over sized elizabeth arden gold hoops and a ring for every finger to be sent to me before I am fully accepted into the fold. But yeah I do rant but with my ever adorable Canadian accent.

My Mother has told me to stop driving by fellow drivers at 6 in the morning yelling dickhead out the window as they poor boiling water on their windscreens . Personally I believe the name calling is completely justified !! lol
I do whats called manc baiting similar sport to bear baiting less painful thoguh. I just tell them snow is on the way my Canadian bones can feel it. The i just sit back and watch the panic commence !! so much fun really is !! lol

thanks for reading love it when people find me randomly makes my day !!!

Anonymous said...

Why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a people who work at home uk site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'Life is Currently Shafting me right up the Backside Right now !!!' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a assembling goods home uk work site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'Life is Currently Shafting me right up the Backside Right now !!!' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.