Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Recently I have been traveling to my works office down south in Bracknell ( the center of the world ..... Really its no more like fourth dimension of hell ). Due to the fact that it does not appear Bracknell has any sort of hotel in it I always end up staying outside .... This is good ! Now because of this I have fallen in love with a place down here.... Windsor


Honestly it is the most lovely pretty place ever. It is quiet, it is calm, there are no scallys ( at least none in sight more then likely locked up somewhere ) It is clean and pretty it is perfect. It is also impossible for me to live here due to the fact that it is fucking expensive people!! Seriously you need to be earning proper money to live here. But for some unknown reason that makes me want to live here even more.

See the thing is every street is full of what I would call my ideal English house: They are all lovely cottages and mill houses. They are all terraced ( I do actually like terraces but only the old ones like here because walls are really thick) They have beautiful sash windows and tiny walled front gardens. They are just damned cute!

Every time I am here I go for a walk around the area and must look like a peeping tomette because I just peer through every window as I walk by ( out of jealousy but also because simply I am one nosey cow )
I just like it here the place is nice plus it helps that it seems to be eternally sunny here as well

oh well grass is always greener on the other side isn't it ?


Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I have a good friend moving from toronto to london in a coupla weeks. I'm looking to buy her a gift...and was wondering if you might have a suggestion...

i know you don't know her or me...but a 30ish year old female...anticipating some culture shock...

ahh...i'm a bit desparate

justacoolcat said...

Sounds great, you should take pictures and post them. Maybe the jobs in the area pay more?

louisa said...

( right 3rd attempt at righting this message fingers not awake yet lol !! )
Hmm gift so many different things you could get her.

Is she a quiet or loud person ?
when you say culuture shock - has she ever been to the UK or London before ?

cat - yeah will try take pics on next visit - jobs probably do pay better but cost of living is through the roof. Where i pay 325 for 1 bed flat in Manchester the cheapest I found in Windsor was 750 !!! so so expensive !

Anonymous said...

she has been to london...for a brief vacation. she's definitely a quiet person... has travelled alot...this will be the first time actually 'moving' though...

louisa said...

thats so hard even hard because she sounds quite culutral so can't exactly get her something tacky can you.

I think what would be really really lovely is something from one of the markets like notting hill or camden. something very one off that she can have in her new place. something really different if you know what i mean ???

Anonymous said...

ok, i'm an idiot...

i'm in toronto...and what I was hopting for was a tipo as to what i could get her that would be a 'this'll be great when you get there' kinda thing...

omething sincere is what i'm looking for, not tacky...


louisa said...

got it !!!

get her a diary. by diary I mean a beyond nice one. my sister had one when she went to morroco and it was the best thing.

There are some beautiful silk covered ones with a tie string to wrap round it. Then i would put a really really nice message on the front page for her to read and remember. also download a map of the tube in london ( sounds tacky but trust me she will love you forever once you realise how damn confusing the tube really is) then i would put some photos of home in there as well.
message can be something like @ for you to write all your memories and experinces in , so you can share them with me when we meet next )
what do you thnik ?? seriously not tacky and very sincere as well

Anonymous said...

that'll be perfect...thanks alot for your input!

agreed, not tacky...and certainly sincere...thanks again

louisa said...

not a problem let me know if she likes it ... think she will will mean a lot to her probably

urban gypsy said...

Windsor!!!! *snort* Ah you just want to say you live on the same street at the Queen, don't you, lol?
Seriously, how can you like terrace houses over the wonderful open plan Canadian homes? The sproglets made me watch W&G Curse of the Were Rabbit and all we could do was giggle at the houses and the fact that Sproglet B still has a 'Peter Kay' accent.
Windsor!!! Hahahaha.