Possibly one of my favorite pictures of my not so little bro George ( in the green ). Joining him is Ricardo otherwise known as " Brown Boy" and on the other side Alan or known as " Dancer Boy'

These boys make me smile. Make me damn near wet myself with laughter. Make me cringe with there very boy like antics but most of all are great friends and of course a rockin little brother added in there as well !
Hey Louisa!
Where was this picture taken? It looks like the Neutral Hills of East-Central AB. Take care!
I think it was actually kamloops or maybe even tofino. I know they took the pics on their road trip to tofino last year
Do I know you Karin ?? lol lol I am thinking I should but I maybe completely wrong
Well I would hope that you would know me, but it's been awhile - although you saw me for the first time in many years last Canada Day. You use to tease me relentlessly when Alex and I were younger. :)
Karin (the one who lived less then 10km from you)
HMMM karin .... you and Alex went to school together right ? please tell me I am right lol you are tall right ?
God I hope I am right ! ha ha
( forgive me I am useless lol )
yup you're right! can you place me now? lol
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