Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I have been Revamped People !

I've moved my blog to Wordpress. The new link is This blog will self-destruct redirect in 5 seconds! Please update your links. See you on the other side all !!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Drivers in this Country Suck !

So today I was driving into work on my usual route. I have driven this road all my life. Due to the fact that I live out in the wilds of the country I have to take the main highway ( motorway for the English folk) into Edmonton. I have never really had a problem with this road, never been in ditch, never hit a deer or another car even …always a bonus not hitting other cars you know ( although i have hit a light post ...head on ).
So anyway this morning the roads were excellent conditions. There was minimal traffic. There was no ice. It was not snowing and there was no wind. Seriously for winter driving you could not ask for better conditions. Apperantely I was the only person who realised that these were good roads??? Firstly everyone was driving at least 30 km below the limit…IN THE GOD DAMN PASSING LANE ( Dammit that is my biggest pet peeve seriously i yell at these people as I drive by you know ! ) Everyone was on tenter-hooks for some reason. I have no idea why though. Greta the Golf and I were flyin.
Then it got worse….a lot worse. I drove out of one of the satalite towns, Spruce Grove, smack into mayhem. There were 6 yes 6!! cars in the ditch all lined up like neat little matches. Seriously I have no freakin idea how these fools ended up in the ditch. The roads were dry, there was no snow and for sure no black ice. Yet these idiots managed to get there vehicles in the ditch.
I miss British roads in such a big way. People move over when you crawl up there ass. People do not end up in ditches randomly AND the traffic reports rock!!! They are always right and up to date!! Over here they will say something like south bound Anthony Henday right lane accident stay left. When in actual fact it will be North bound left lane !!! So irritating.
Ok I am done now. My rant is finished …until the next fool pulls in front of me for no god damn reason other then they were clearly bored in the other lane and thought ” what the hell lets see if the other lane is less boring ..” FOOLS

I am Materialistic and Proud People

I am going to go on a bit of a rant today …just fore warning you all ok!

I am of the belief that wanting things for you, material things, is not being materialistic. For reasons unknown to me some people are of the belief that if you want these things you are someone of low moral standing or materialistic! I have sooo many issues with that.
If I want to live in the big house or uber cool condo or if I want to have the range rover and the state of the art gadgets does that make me a bad person?! I THINK BLOODY NOT PEOPLE!
They say that money does not buy you happiness and I agree with that however I am believe that it most certainly makes you happy. It makes you feel as though you have accomplished something in your life. It makes you self worth and self esteem rocket through the roof. In my eyes this is a good thing people.
So I am proud to admit I want those things. I want to be able to just go away for a weekend to Vegas or to San Francisco because I simply can afford to do that. I want to be able to go into a store and pick the nicest furniture not the furniture that I can afford but the furniture I want. I see no issue in being proud of excelling financially and materialistically. It does not make me a lesser person or someone of low moral standings. In fact it makes me an ambitious and self thriving self rewarding person and there is nothing wrong with that.
Do not get me wrong I do want the little things in life to make me happy. A book to read on a Saturday afternoon in the winter. Breakfast in bed on a Sunday from the guy I love. Curling up on the couch and vegetating for hours with that guy. These are things that do not cost money and make me happy. But of course knowing I am secure in my future that I am able to get what I want out of life helps in everyway to make me a sane high self esteemed girl.
So you know I take issue with people that look down upon others that make something for themselves, in my eyes it is a form of jealousy. Rather then being a jealous person why not spend your energy on striving for those things you want out of life rather then wasting the precious energy you have in down playing what others have done for themselves!
Rant done

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Yes people The Lazy one Has Returned :-) I know yo Missed me ! ha !

Ok now for the big amazing spinning my world around news guys. I have finally got my self booked in for my plastic surgery. For those of you who do not know this is the back story to it all. I have spent 18 months of hard times and work losing weight. I need to make it clear that I was not doing this out of social pressures to be thin or to fit in. I was doing this for myself and for myself to be health, So my total weight loss currently stands at 110 pounds I have gone down from a size 24 to a size 18/16. I have lost untold inches everywhere and I am damn proud of myself as is my family and friends. So after all that I had let’s say “skin issues”??? So the only way to solve that and bring me down to my true size(12/14) was a tummy tuck. After 6 months of waiting for one of the best surgeons in Edmonton I got in. He took one look at me listened to my story and then promptly informed me I was a prime surgery candidate and that the results will be remarkable ! So I go under the knife on the 7th of May. I will be off work for 12 days and off riding duties and gym for 6 -7 weeks ( boohoo! ) I will have a scar from hip to hip on my bikini line and I will be in pain …but it is worth it. I do regret a few things though. I regret not having a boyfriend before hand. You are asking why now aren’t you ? It is very simple really, I wanted to be sure that whom ever I start dating is dating me for me not for the new thinner tighter ab’s covered me. I am worried I will only attract a guy who wants as stated before “ Barbie” or cheerleader” or “stupid” none of which I am people !!! I am of the mindset that if you cannot accept me for all my faults and flaws now then bugger it not worth my time. But you know that is how life rolls I guess and you just have to go with what is thrown you way.
So either way all my hard work has finally paid off and let me tell you when this is all done ….I AM SHOPPIN MY SKINNY ASS OFF PEOPLE !

I am now riding a stunning new mare that my friend Aron has lined up for me. I adore riding her and I think that this partnership is going to go a long way. We seem to suit one another and she challenges me which is what I need in a horse. I am now riding at very private and exclusive stables where she is living and where Aron is as well. I have to say I feel like a bit of an imposter when I am there and as though I am imposing on people. However this will vanish within time and I will get comfortable and settle in. Rode last night properly for the first time with Aron in YEARS ! It was like being 12 all over again and so strange. But best of all Aron gave me a mini lesson and I can safely say the girl ROCKS! She had me thinking about my seat about how I was asking the horse and making the horse move. In those short 20 minutes or so I learnt huge amounts So I cannot wait for a full lesson from her and to basically suck her knowledge in like a sponge ( I am very sponge like people just so you know ! )

So as said before I am off to Jasper for my first skiing of the season. I am super stoked for both the days of skiing and the crazy ass nights at Pete’s in Jasper and the Gallon of beer policies !! There will of course be a shed load of pics for you all !!