Now I realize you are now looking at this yellow blob and thinkg ' looks nothing like George W' but it is. See I tried to poke his eyes out with a pencil and it did not work. Then I tried to rip his head off his shoulders and it would not come off. So we just decided to color on his face and now we think he looks like Fidel Castro.
Seriously he is like a cockroach nuclear war would not kill this thing ( believe me as above we have tried )
Anyway most people squeeze or play with these things to relieve stress . Do they do that in my office ........
hell no !!!! We chuck them at each other as hard as humanly possible then roll around on the floor in fits of laughter at the other persons pain.
I did this today and loved it !! Normally I could not hit the broadside of a barn door ... Today was different. Today I went right up to the person ( he fully desvered this for what he had said ) and hurled it at him at high speed. I was aiming for the back of his head but some how I managed to hit him square in the ear. Honestly was the funniest thing I had seen all day. It was pure stress relief !!!!
So I recommend to anyone rather then squeezing these stupid things .. Chuck em !! Chuck em hard and fast it is so much fun and the stress just disappears instantly !!!
So hence George being the WMD of the office.
( George is slightly melted now on the back of his head due to be left on the radiator over night )
There is my tip for the day everyone . Chuck a George around and the day will right its self instantly for you all :-)